
    We can use React's useReducer hook to manage our application data. In this example we'll look at a small To-Do list app that manages its data with useReducer.

    Reducer patterns

    While useReducer doesn't enforce any particular types/shapes for states and actions, there are a few that are common when managing medium/large quantities of data:

    • The actions we pass to the reducer are objects containing a type and payload
    • We often define constants for the type, enumerating every action our reducer function knows how to handle
    • We expose actionCreator functions that abstract the details of our action objects from the rest of the app
    • Our state is an object, so that we can add fields to it easily as our app grows

    These patterns help keep the reducer code self-contained for each kind of entity in our app (e.g todos, posts, photos).


    Using the terminology from the Project Structure section, this app contains:

    • A "container" component, App, that connects our application/business logic for adding and removing To-Do items with our UI components
    • 3 "presentational" components that we use to display our UI: List, Input, and Title
    • A todos file that contains the initial state of our app and a reducer function for updating the state

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